Policies and Rules


  1. Our Play area is socks only. No bare feet or shoes permitted (children AND adults).

  2. No running.

  3. Use slides feet first, one person at a time. Do not climb up the slide.

  4. Use toys as they are intended. Throwing, abusing, or misusing toys or play equipment won’t be tolerated. If your child places a toy in their mouth, please discard it into one of our gray “Dirty Toys” bins for cleaning.

  5. Our play equipment and toys are for children 6 and younger. Older children can sit in the café area with an adult or play with the board games and puzzles.

Factory Rules

  1. Please be respectful. Be respectful of our play structures, equipment, toys, furniture, and most importantly, your fellow patrons. Please do not bring toys from home into the play area, and please don’t remove toys from the play area. 

  2. Please be kind. Children and adults will be kind, respectful, and conscious of the safety of all patrons. Rough play or bullying will not be tolerated.

  3. Please keep it clean. All snacks, foods, and drinks should be eaten at the tables in the café area ONLY.

  4. Please be aware. If your child is struggling with our safety rules or needs your attention, please tend to them. Staff-members will enforce safety rules as necessary but are NOT babysitters. Please note and abide by all posted signage and policies. A waiver of liability must be signed and turned in to use the play area. Play Factory and Café, Inc. is not liable for any injuries incurred.

  5. Please be well. Patrons should not enter the facility with a known, contagious illness. Play Factory and Café staff reserve the right to ask patrons who are sick to leave the premises if their illness poses a risk to other users of the facility. Please use the available hand sanitizers before entering the play area and wash hands frequently, and especially after eating and every restroom visit. 

  6. Please be courteous. Change diapers ONLY in our bathroom facilities. We have two changing tables available for your use. 

Those unable to comply with these policies, other posted signage, AND all verbal requests from staff will kindly be asked to leave the premises (without a refund).

Thank you!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I have a birthday party during open play hours?

    We do not allow parties of any kind during our normal open play hours. We provide several opportunities and packages to celebrate birthdays here and we hope you decide to do so!

  • Can I drop my child off?

    No, we do not offer drop-off services at this time. A Parent or Guardian must remain onsite with the child for the duration of their visit.

  • What do I need to know before I arrive.

    Every guest must sign a 1 time waiver. All guests are required to wear socks in the play area. Otherwise, come as you are and prepare for some fun and delicious cafe drinks and treats (for adults and children)!

  • What age do you start charging for children to play?

    Our rule is that if your child is playing with the toys and equipment, that you pay for them to do so. We begin charging at 6 months. Babies in arms/wraps/carseats are free!

  • Can I use the play area with my child?

    Yes! While we have tables situated outside the play area for you to enjoy a cafe beverage or snack, you are welcomed and encouraged to join your little one in the play area! Remember that socks are required in the play area.

  • Can my teenager access the GAMEZONE alone?

    No. We do require that a parent is always present. You don’t need to be inside of GAME ZONE with them, we just ask that you are on-site.